Star is papped on outing to fast food joint, photos go viral almost immediately

Mar 21, 2013 09:23 GMT  ·  By

For years, it seems that wherever Britney Spears goes she’s accompanied by at least several paparazzi, regardless of where that might be and what she might do there. This explains the newest set of (already viral) pics making the rounds.

As it turns out, the pop star doesn’t just like Starbucks, she’s also quite a fan of fast food.

The other day, she was photographed heading out of a KFC restaurant in Thousand Oaks, carrying take-out.

However, it’s not just Britney’s love of calorific junk food that’s getting so many people to pay attention to her latest outing, but rather that she went out for such a treat just hours after doing a shoot with a fitness magazine.

That in itself sends a very wrong message to her fans, some voices online are saying.

“@Shape_Magazine Thanks for the great photo shoot today! It was fun to get all dolled up for the cover!” Britney tweeted after the shoot, before heading out to KFC to indulge.

Shape magazine, as readers must already know, is a monthly publication focusing on diet and exercise tips to help you lose weight and, more importantly, stay healthy.

In other words, there is no possible way you can say Shape magazine and KFC in the same sentence – and have it make any sense whatsoever.

Then again, Britney has never made a secret of her love of high calorie treats, be they Starbucks products, snacks or junk food.

In other Britney news, she’s now dating a regular guy (i.e. not a celebrity), David Lucado, with whom she shares a love of golf and outdoor activities.

They were recently photographed running errands, smiling and looking very happy. Reports online are already saying that things are getting really serious between them: he’s met her two adorable sons and she’s had at least a few sleepovers so far.