Says that stronger regulation is needed for video games

Nov 24, 2011 18:41 GMT  ·  By

Keith Vaz, who is a Labor Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom, has put forward an Early Day Motion expressing concern at the terrorist attacks that takes place in Modern Warfare 3 in the London underground.

Here is his statement: “That this House is deeply concerned about the recently released video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, in which players engage in gratuitous acts of violence against members of the public; notes in particular the harrowing scenes in which a London Underground train is bombed by terrorists, bearing a remarkable resemblance to the tragic events of 7 July 2005; further notes that there is increasing evidence of a link between perpetrators of violent crime and violent video games users; and calls on the British Board of Film Classification to take further precautions when allowing a game to be sold.”

The ratings board in the United Kingdom has already said that the events in the game and the real world tragedy of 2005 are “far removed”.

Vaz would like to see video games more strongly regulated in the United Kingdom but members of his own party disagree with his position.