The British will have to start saving water for an extremely hot and dry 2012

Dec 1, 2011 09:12 GMT  ·  By

Caroline Spelman, the British Environment Secretary, notes that homeowners will have to start saving water, given that this winter is expected to bring poor rainfalls. In her opinion, a severe drought is “almost certain” for next summer.

As a result, people from the UK will have to forget about watering plants in their backyard or refilling their pool for a while, the Telegraph reports.

Drought conditions will become noticeable next year in almost every part of the UK, including central, eastern and south-eastern regions. People here already have to deal with a low water supply, as a main consequence of a second unusually hot autumn and winter.

The Brits will most likely have to adapt their lifestyle to the reduced amount of water available for their household usage.

This means they will have to implement several changes in their homes. Replacing the common showerheads with more efficient ones, installing special devices in toilets and watering their plants less often are the main solutions indicated by authorities.

For 2012, being cheap when it comes to water supplies means going green.