Rainwater is used to flush toilets, bugs got their very own hotel

Sep 28, 2012 10:41 GMT  ·  By

Recent news from Britain informs us that this country can now take pride in having its very first carbon negative street.

More precisely, several British citizens who are highly committed to environmental protection will soon be living in 21 timber houses, which taken together form the Sinclair Meadows in South Shields.

Sources report that each house has its own allotment, compost heap and shed, meaning that people can take up gardening and make sure their meals consist of home-grown, all-natural products.

Moreover, their electricity bills will probably spark the envy of many other Brits, given the fact that solar panels will see that they get all the electricity they need while keeping costs down at a minimum.

Interestingly enough, these people will use rainwater in order to flush their toilets and bugs will be allowed to take residence in a 'hotel' designed especially to suit their needs.

It is expected that the greenheads who are to inhabit these homes will be done moving in by the end of this week, and that trained environmentalists will teach them how to make the most of the resources they now have at their disposal.