The connection was never suspected before a new study

Feb 23, 2012 21:31 GMT  ·  By
The way in which you speak into your cell phone may be an indicator of which hemisphere in your brain is more active
   The way in which you speak into your cell phone may be an indicator of which hemisphere in your brain is more active

I recently came across an interesting study, suggesting that the way in which you hold your cell phone is indicative of which hemisphere of your brain dominates the other. The team behind the study mostly focused on what ears individuals held up their mobile devices to.

Upon reading this study, it became obvious to me that I have a preferred ear when on the phone, while some of my friends prefer the other one. While this may seem normal at first glance, it's important to remember that all of us are right-handed.

According to PsychCentral, people who use the left hemisphere of their brains more tend to use their right hand more. The exact opposite is true for individuals who exercise the right hemisphere of their brains more.

These results are no longer relevant in the case of people with hand injuries or hearing problems.