Conservationists, animal rights activists did not take lightly to the news

Nov 15, 2013 21:11 GMT  ·  By

Earlier this week, on Tuesday, a 38-year-old bottlenose dolphin living in captivity at SeaWorld San Diego delivered a healthy calf. The baby dolphin was born to mother Kolohe, and currently weighs about 40 pounds (18.14 kilograms).

Quite surprisingly, not everybody welcomed the news. In fact, very few people did.

According to Ecorazzi, PETA and other green groups were outraged to hear that, despite the heavy criticism and negative press that SeaWorld got following the release of documentary film “Blackfish,” the marine park continues to breed animals.

“SeaWorld has bred another marine mammal who will spend his or her life locked up in a concrete tank, never knowing what it's like to swim long distances in the ocean, spend time with family, or express any other natural behavior,” PETA writes on its official website.

“SeaWorld has condemned this baby to the constant stress and deprivation of captivity and to the same dreadful fate as that of the eight orcas and 42 dolphins who died at SeaWorld San Diego alone between 1985 and 2010,” the organization adds.

A few days ago, PETA asked that SeaWorld be charged with animal cruelty. The organization hopes that the marine park will be found guilty, and made to pay for its treatment of animals.

What's more, PETA is confident that, once this happens, the marine mammals presently held captive by the corporation will either be released in the wild or relocated to better homes.