Those who played Borderlands 1 will get special visual designs for their characters

Jul 7, 2012 08:41 GMT  ·  By

Gearbox Software has revealed the unlockable heads and skins from Borderlands 2 that will be available to players who already experienced Borderlands 1.

Borderlands 2 is set to drastically improve upon its predecessor by adding even more weapons, tweaking the level progression system and generally making enhancements across the board.

In order to reward those who already experienced the first game, developer Gearbox Software announced earlier this year that they'll get special unlockable skins and heads for their characters.

Now, the studio has revealed just how these unlockable items look on the game's four main classes: the Siren, the Gunzerker, the Assassin, and the Commando.

These heads and skins will be automatically given to players once the game detects a save game file from the original Borderlands.

Borderlands 2 is out on September 18, in North America, and September 21, in Europe.