Gamers will be able to enjoy a replayable experience

Aug 8, 2012 21:31 GMT  ·  By

The upcoming Borderlands 2 is similar to Diablo III from Blizzard in many ways, according to one of the leading developers working on the game, who is also playing the traditional action role-playing title.

Randy Pitchford, who is the boss of Gearbox, has told IGN that, “I’m playing as a Mage but I’m definitely going to also play as a Barbarian so I can chop dudes up with melee weapons instead of casting fireballs.”

The class variety in Borderlands 2 is designed to appeal to the same type of player who also enjoys something like Diablo III, and Gearbox is working hard to make sure that the experiences are different enough to encourage replayability.

At the moment Gearbox has finalized the development process for the core Borderlands 2 experience and is working on the first big piece of downloadable content for the game, which will also introduce the Mechromancer class.

Pitchford added, “It’s not like some games, where you create a couple of chapters where I can play as this character. We’re making a character class so it works for the whole game. You can go and play the entire game as this character, and you can play with any of the other characters in co-op. It has to be balanced.”

The entire process is a complex one and the developer believes that if Gearbox masters it, the team will have an easier time creating more DLC for its titles.

Borderlands 2 takes gamers back to the planet of Pandora in order to battle a new Hyperion corporation and its leader, Handsome Jack. The ultimate goal of the game is to put an end to his attempt to turn the frontier world into an industrial wasteland.

Borderlands 2 will be launched on the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 and the PC on September 18 in North America and three days later in Europe.