High expectations for the re-launch of the wonder cream that eliminates Sun-damage wrinkles

Apr 29, 2009 17:21 GMT  ·  By

As a rule, the products we buy to look better and younger are not as good as they say they are. Most often than not, they rarely return the results advertised in the media, and this is something that primarily applies to anti-wrinkle and anti-ageing solutions. Nevertheless, there is one product that has managed to go through proper testing, much in the manner new drugs do before hitting the market, and, because of this, its re-launch is expected to generate a genuine frenzy with women aged 40+, BBC says.

Now called No 7 Protect & Perfect Intense Beauty Serum, it is the intense, richer variant of a product that launched two years ago in the UK and sold out in a single day. In the meantime, Boots, the manufacturing company, took the product to researchers at Manchester University to have it tested by the book. Surprisingly enough, extensive studies have shown that, unlike other similar products on the market, No 7 Intense Beauty Serum is really as good as they say in terms of eradicating wrinkles caused by Sun damage.

“Approximately one in five people using the cream will get something extra for their money over plain moisturizers. It is an interesting step forward in research although the long term benefits are unknown. The main preventable causes of skin ageing are sun exposure and smoking, so if you’re worried about wrinkles, limiting these factors is sensible.” Nina Goad of the British Association of Dermatologists says for BBC, highlighting that the new cream really works wonders.

No 7 Intense Beauty Serum contains peptides, retinyl palmitate and white lupin extract, according to the manufacturers. It works by stimulating the production of fibrillin-1, a protein that promotes skin elasticity, and that is to be found in smaller quantities in Sun-damaged skin. Granted, some say, here too Boots is not taking the direct approach, as the cream does not literally fight signs of old age, but those of Sun damage – luckily for the manufacturers, these two are almost overlapping.

“I suppose Boots were confident or foolhardy, whichever way you want to look at it.” Professor Chris Griffiths says for BBC, after conducting the independent study (which was sponsored by Boots nonetheless). “Wrinkles are largely down to our exposure to sunlight. The best thing you can do to prevent wrinkles is practice sensible sun avoidance and use sun screen.” The Professor further adds.

However, with so many women looking for a cream that can truly eliminate wrinkles at least partially, the British media is saying that No 7 Intense Beauty Serum will again cause waves in stores, when it’s re-launched on Thursday, by being the first face cream to be truly scientifically proven to be effective.