Jun 23, 2011 21:21 GMT  ·  By

The developers at Blizzard are not offering any real information about their confirmed next generation MMO project Titan but it seems that a number of veteran developers from their very successful World of Warcraft have been moving to the new game as the development process ramps up.

Greg Street, who is the lead system designer working on World of Warcraft, has stated, “We've had some key members go over to that team to work.”

He added, “When we interview new people, there's a chance they'll come under our team, and there's a chance they'll go onto that team. We meet with those guys quite regularly to say, 'Hey, here's an opportunity to do something different. Do we want to do it differently to how WOW did it, or are we happy with the way it worked out?'”

It seems that Titan is still in the stage where developers are bouncing ideas around and trying to see how they would fit in a coherent experience.

Street says that the development teams for Titan and for the next expansion for World of Warcraft are cooperating to some extend, with the ideas that do not make it in one of the video games then tested as part of the other.

Earlier in the year a Blizzard executive told an audience that Titan was already playable to some extend and that the Blizzard employees were already testing it.

A leaked schedule coming from the Chinese subsidiary of Blizzard suggested that Titan might be launched in 2013, one year after World of Warcraft was set to get another full blown expansion in order to make sure that it remained the most successful subscription based MMO.

Blizzard has since stated that it plans to deliver more content for its current MMO to make sure that veteran players are kept interested and that might mean a serious delay for Titan.