Those who finished the game won’t be bored for much longer, according to Blizzard

Jul 20, 2012 20:41 GMT  ·  By

Blizzard co-founder Mike Morhaime has once again emphasized that his team is working on special updates for Diablo 3 that will enhance the end-game content for players who’ve already reached the maximum of level 60 and beat the Inferno difficulty.

Diablo 3 came out two months ago and, while Blizzard teased that Inferno mode will be a massive challenge for players, plenty of people already beat the game, even on the dreaded Hardcore setting, which meant one death translated into the complete loss of that character.

Now, in order to keep players from getting bored, Blizzard has revealed that it’s working hard on new solutions for end-game content.

“We’re also working on a gameplay system that will provide players who have max-level, high-powered characters new goals to strive for as an alternative to the “item hunt,” Morhaime said.

Sadly, the co-founder didn’t go into details and, given the fact that the core Diablo 3 team is working on plenty of updates, including patches 1.0.4 and the long awaited 1.1, it’s unlikely to see this new content anytime soon.