With WhatsApp still missing, this would be a good time to release it

May 29, 2014 15:20 GMT  ·  By

BlackBerry had tremendous success with its BBM (Blackberry Messenger) for Android and iOS platforms, even though both applications lacked some features that are only available on BlackBerry platform.

Soon after the release of BBM, the Canadian company started working on new features that could bring both Android and iOS apps on par with the BlackBerry version. After several updates added some of the promised features, it appears that development stopped.

Since the company got a new CEO, John Chen, there hasn’t been an update for the BBM application for either Android or iOS platforms, and things are not looking good at all.

Even if BlackBerry seems to have some success with the launch of its affordable Z3 smartphone in Indonesia, that will not help the company’s financial status in the long run.

Some of you might still remember that Nokia and BlackBerry promised earlier this year during Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2014 that BBM will arrive on Windows Phone this summer.

However, no one had expected that WhatsApp Messenger would be pulled from Windows Phone Store for almost two weeks now. While some Windows Phone users may now be tempted to switch to other platforms, a lot more probably look for alternatives that could offer them the same level of functionality.

This would have been a good time for BlackBerry to have BBM already launched on Windows Phone platform. It would have probably gained a lot more traction since one of its main rivals is now MIA due to various notification and battery issues.

Windows Phone is already the last platform to get an important application, as developers continue to focus on iOS and Android as the primary operating systems for their products.

BlackBerry seems to follow the same pattern, though it’s understandable since Windows Phone has a much smaller market share than the other two major platforms.

That being said, Windows Phone fans still have a long time to wait for BBM to arrive on their favorite operating system. According to the latest hearsay, BBM for Windows Phone has already entered testing phase, but that news is rather old.

It’s such a pity that the Canadian company misses a major opportunity to gain lots of users by simply offering its services on Windows Phone.

Here is hoping BBM will arrive in Windows Phone sooner rather than later, and that WhatsApp will be back in store with all the issues fixed. Feel free to share your thoughts with us.