SpectorSoft explains why it decided to add support for BlackBerry devices

Jan 29, 2013 18:51 GMT  ·  By

Last week, SpectorSoft released a new version of SPECTOR 360, the company’s flagship activity monitoring solution, adding support for BlackBerry devices. SpectorSoft VP of Marketing, Nick Cavalancia, has come forward to explain the company’s decision.

“Organizations have been on alert for fraudulent activity and suspicious behavior within company walls for a while, but employees are no longer tied to their desktops in today’s business environment,” Cavalancia told Softpedia.

“Mobile devices now provide the constant risk of the loss of sensitive corporate data outside the workplace, and as a result there is serious need for a security and monitoring solution that gives employers full visibility across devices into an employee’s digital and mobile activities and behaviors.”

Many users have been wondering why SpectorSoft announced its support for BlackBerry devices used in enterprise settings. That’s because, despite recent reports of its decline, BlackBerry is still the safest mobile device in an organization, being utilized by most Fortune 500 companies and 10 million small and medium businesses.

“If organizations are truly looking out for the wellbeing of the entire company, they must be able to put suspicious events in context by monitoring employee laptops, PCs and mobile devices so they can step back and see the full picture,” Calavancia noted.

“Intent is a valid concern when it comes to employees leaking sensitive corporate information. Monitoring employee activity allows organizations to determine whether an employee willingly abused company policy or inadvertently downloaded a message that violated the company’s best practices. The organization must protect itself in both instances.”

In a post published on the company’s blog, Calavancia explains that there are several key aspects which led to SpectorSoft’s decision to bet on BlackBerry, including focus on data security, focus on device security, increasing productivity, and penetration in security-focused markets.