Smokers in Wales now know who kept throwing cigarettes on the ground

Jul 27, 2012 14:40 GMT  ·  By

An ashtray outside the golf clubhouse in Wales now serves as a home for several chicks belonging to the blue tit species. Apparently, this was the best place their mother could find to lay its eggs.

What is particularly funny is that, up until they realized a bird nested in said ashtray, golfers and club employees were rather taken aback by the fact that cigarettes kept showing up on the ground, even if they were properly disposed of.

To make sure those unaware of the fact that the ashtray is now the birds' residence do not accidentally throw smokes in their nest, signs have been put up by club workers and concerned people.

For the time being, the chicks use the holes in the ashtray as perfectly-sized windows through which they can catch a glimpse at the world.

It is our opinion that having so many people care for the wellbeing of these small birds is proof that humans and animals may in fact co-exist under certain circumstances.

You can see pictures of these chicks enjoying themselves in their home here.