It has to make sense

Apr 23, 2009 07:09 GMT  ·  By

Role-Playing Games have become quite popular these days, largely due to the power of current-generation platforms, which allow developers to deliver a great and long experience to players without sacrificing anything.

Mass Effect was arguably one of the first next-gen RPGs, coming from veteran developer BioWare, which already specialized in such titles. It impressed critics and fans alike and is now gearing up for the release of its sequel, dubbed Mass Effect 2, which aims at further developing the deep and intricate story of the first one, while taking the whole gameplay closer to that of a shooter, in order to maintain the interest of players.

While talking about Mass Effect 2, the founders of BioWare, Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, have tackled the subject of cooperative gameplay, a feature that wasn't in the first game, but, if it will make sense and appear central to the whole experience, might be included in the future title.

“Well, we haven't disclosed a feature set at this point,” Zeschuk, who concorded with Muzyka, said. “But multiplayer is something that, at a broad level, BioWare is interested in exploring in our games in the future.”

Greg Zeschuk then went on to further elaborate on the subject. “Multiplayer has to be central to the game to make sense. I think you see examples of games that have thrown in multiplayer modes that don't make any sense and then you see games that are built from the ground up as co-op experiences. Like ‘Left 4 Dead,’ for example. And I think that's the thing: when we do the multiplayer stuff, we'll do it as a foundation of the game. It's not worth it to throw it on after the fact.”

It's certainly good to hear that BioWare won't cut corners and really wants to keep the game as simple as possible, without throwing in something unnecessary. Hopefully, we will get to hear more about this game, which is currently scheduled for a release at the beginning of 2010.