Additional streetside coverage available now as well

May 10, 2012 09:32 GMT  ·  By

Bing Maps has just got a series of enhancements, courtesy of a new set of Bird’s Eye imagery from around the world, doubled by new streetside coverage.

The Bing Maps Team has announced that the new imagery is meant to provide users with info on the latest changes that large cities around the world underwent.

“With more timely Bird's Eye published to Bing Maps, our imagery reflects prominent cities undergoing transformation with respect to cultural landmarks and other types of development,” the team notes.

The new imagery also includes the changes that London has gone through lately in preparation for the 2012 Olympic Games. The Olympic venue and its surroundings have changed, and the new images reflect that.

“Circa 2008, Bing Imagery Technologies (BITs) published over 1.1 million sq km of Bird's Eye imagery around the world, most notably in the Continental United States plus Western Europe,” the team explains.

“Since 2009, BITs has published 1,105,738 sq km. That's over 2.2 million sq km of our unique 45 degree perspective now live on Bing Maps. Our latest release was a total of 130 TB of Synthview data, as well as 60 TB of native Bird's Eye.”

The Bing Maps team also notes that users are fond of the Bird's Eye imagery available through the service, due to its high-resolution and four look-directions with oblique angle.

Moreover, Bing Maps provides users with great 3D experiences through Synth (or Synthview). It leverages the overlapping of strong textured images and can prove incredibly useful when it comes to offering details on various sides of an object.

Not to mention that Streetside brings to Bing Maps a ground view of places, extremely useful when it comes to streets in a city that the user has never visited before.

Overall, Streetside provides users with 365,000 linear kilometers of imagery, with 125,000 kilometers being added after its official launch.

“To view our full Streetside coverage, visit the ‘Streetside’ Map App, or simply click here! Your Streetside tour guide, Eugene, would be happy to show you around! Simply drop Eugene in an area with a blue overlay to explore that region,” the Bing Maps team notes.

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