This April

Mar 31, 2008 14:55 GMT  ·  By

"Bill Gates' last day at Microsoft" is right on track to get an official video home courtesy of the Redmond company. Microsoft Videos Beta features the "coming soon" label but nothing else much. And in this context, the lack of content is most frustrating, because the Redmond giant manages not to give out too many indications related to the new website. Even the delivery date is less than specific, with the mention "coming this April" on a button which permits the bookmarking of the site.

"You will be able to scan our Quick Picks for the latest videos, enter a search, or choose a category from our Video Guide. Then tell us what you think by rating what you've watched. If you like what you see, you can share it with a friend or colleague, or link to it in your blog using one of our community features," reads a message from Microsoft.

The sole explanation pointing to the content coming for the websites defines Microsoft Videos as "your central location for viewing rich media from Microsoft. At Microsoft Videos you'll be able to rate, comment, share and more. [But] U.S. content only at this time: Microsoft Videos is still in its early stages. In the coming months we'll be adding videos from Microsoft subsidiaries around the world."

Microsoft already has a variety of locations for serving video content from MSN Video (which also includes SoapBox) to Edge, and the various Channels available with the most prominent being Channel 9. At the same time, what Microsoft Videos Beta seems to be is a central point for all the materials produced by either the company directly or by its subsidiaries. This could mean that content such as "Bill Gates' Last Day at Microsoft" and additional, but yet unspecified, items will all come together under the Microsoft Videos umbrella. The company failed to reveal the specific date in April when the website will go live.