The choices players made did not really affect the ending

Apr 12, 2012 21:31 GMT  ·  By

Since gamers began experiencing the end of Mass Effect 3, a significant number of them criticized the BioWare-made finale to the series and even filled complaints about it with a number of organizations, in an effort to get the developers to make significant changes.

Now the Better Business Bureau, an organization that has evaluated companies in the United States for one hundred years, has weighed in and said that publisher Electronic Arts and BioWare might be accused of false advertising.

Marjorie Stephens, who is the director of communications at Better Business Bureau of Northern Indiana, stated, “Consider this: If you had purchased a game for $59.99... and were told that you had complete control over the game's outcome by the choices your character made and then actually had no control over the game's outcome, wouldn't you be disappointed?”

She added, “The issue at stake here is, did BioWare falsely advertise? Technically, yes, they did. In the first bullet point, where it states 'the decisions you make completely shape your experience', there is no indecision in that statement. It is an absolute.”

This point of view does not take into account the many different experiences that players have reported with Mass Effect 3 and the possible outcomes for quest and characters that make almost every game unique, despite the fact that the ending sequence is pretty similar.

A number of players believe that the ending problems in Mass Effect 3 should entitle them to a full refund of the amount they spent on their copy, but it is unlikely that the BBB or any court would adopt this position.

In the meantime, BioWare has already announced that it will be introducing more detail to the end of Mass Effect 3 via a downloadable content pack that will be launched for free on all platforms at some point during the summer of this year.