Wang Yi's Microphone

Nov 4, 2005 10:11 GMT  ·  By

Nothing new about learning the Chinese government is pursuing its extensive censorship program, it has done it oh so many times regarding the access to information, whether it's news or personal opinions being expressed via blogs. This time, the victim of this censorship is a pro-democracy Web blog, after it was nominated for a freedom of expression award by German radio station Deutsche Welle.

Wang Yi's Microphone, the blog blocked by the authorities, was discussing "sensitive subjects" and its author, a teacher from the Sichuan province, was described by Deutsche Welle as an "anti-government Chinese intellectual" who used the blog to fight for justice. It did not give details. His site was nominated for the "Best of the Blogs" award in the freedom of expression category.

The government promotes the idea of using the Internet only for educational and business purposes, but blocks material thought as subversive or pornographic. One of Wangs last posts on his blog discussed a campaign by peasants in the southeastern province of Guangdong, to remove a village official accused of corruption. Nothing subversive or pornographic about that.