The actress tweets against using dogs to hunt these animals

Aug 22, 2012 06:58 GMT  ·  By
Alicia Silverstone asks that dogs are no longer used to hunt bears and bobcats (click to view picture)
   Alicia Silverstone asks that dogs are no longer used to hunt bears and bobcats (click to view picture)

Not long ago, we reported on how several environmentalists and conservationists were working towards putting an end to the practice of using dogs to track down and take down wolves in Wisconsin.

It now seems that a similar issue has arisen with respect to bears and bobcats in California, as the ASPCA (the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) is trying to pass a ban on hunting these two species with canine aids.

As a committed animal rights defenders, Alicia Silverstone expressed her full support for this campaign, tweeting as follows: “Hey Californians! Help ban cruel hounding of bears and bobcats @ASPCA.”

Members of said organization explained that they decided to go against the hounding of bears and bobcats because, more often than not, both the representatives of these two species that find themselves targeted and the dogs themselves end up getting hurt.