Until watching the video, owner blames squirrel for the mess

Aug 8, 2012 07:48 GMT  ·  By

Those of us who grew up quite a while ago are probably all too familiar with the Yogi bear cartoons, which pretty much teach us that bears have no moral dilemmas when it comes to raiding picnic baskets.

However, one bear in the Rocky Mountains recently decided to go one extra mile and visit a candy shop in Estes Park, probably to make sure it got to pick its treats according to its own cravings.

When opening the shop in the morning, the owner initially thought that a squirrel was to blame for the candy wrappers left on the floor.

Safe to assume that she experienced a bit of a shock when, after watching the video footage, she realized that the culprit was a bit too tall and a bit too large around the waist to be mistaken for a squirrel, even an oversized one.

Apparently, the bear managed to get in because the lock on the door was faulty. Thus, once the lock was changed, the bear – which did return to enjoy some more sugary delights the following night – gave up on indulging itself with Jo Adams' chocolate treats.

You can watch the news report on this unusual break in the video below.