Gamers will get rewards and prizes for Decathlon events

Jul 27, 2012 12:32 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Bigpoint announced that it is planning a Battlestar Galactica Online-powered Festival of Kobol, which will take place starting today until August 12, allowing gamers to take part in a variety of competitions based upon the universe of the television series.

The top 20 gamers for each of the competitions on each game server will get prizes and the top three players for the Decathlon, which includes ten tournaments, will be recognized with titles to show that they captured Gold, Silver and Bronze.

The events of the Festival of Kobol include: Decimation - Players with the most Player-vs-Player victories win Annihilation – Players that inflict the most damage against the opposing faction win Crucible – Players that gain the most experience points without boosters or capital ships win Rock Buster – Players with the most mined resources win

Matt Norton, the studio director at Bigpoint, said, “Our development team has put together a series of in-game events for players in BSGO. We want to capture the essence of competitive sport and encourage everyone to participate – there are numerous ways to win and take part in all the festivities.”