The new character can use a pistol and a command glove

Jul 21, 2014 23:15 GMT  ·  By

Gearbox Software has just decided to share some details about Reyna, a character from its upcoming Battleborn first-person MOBA title, who plays the role of a support that can augment teammate abilities and lower enemy shields.

Battleborn promises to take the traditional Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) genre and spice it up by portraying things from a first-person perspective and by putting to good use the shooter pedigree of developer Gearbox.

A few characters have already been showcased, ranging from the agile Thorn to the hulking Montana.

Now, GameInformer has brought forth details about Battleborn's Reyna, a support-oriented hero that's aligned with the Rogues faction and acts as a sort of commander in the makeshift organization.

Reyna uses on the battlefield a powerful pistol that deals physical damage and a Command Glove gadget that can deplete the shields of an enemy.

In terms of actual abilities, she can deploy a variety of things. First up is Overwatch, which emits a charge from the Command Glove that automatically finds a nearby teammate and offers an overshield on top of the traditional one present on most characters.

For going on the offense, Reyna can cast another ability called Priority Target that once again emits a charge from the aforementioned Command Glove, but this one searches for a nearby foe and provides for a short time the possibility for damage to bypass the shield. It doesn't matter if Reyna or her teammates provide the damage, as the enemy will still get hit despite having a shield.

The third big ability is called Rally the Troops, which is a passive one that increases the movement speed of Reyna and her nearby teammates every time she hits an enemy with the pistol. As you can imagine, this is intended for team fights in which allies stick together to take advantage of different area of effect bonuses.

Reyna’s ultimate ability is named Nick of Time and causes her to instantly teleport to an ally on the map. This can be used for setting up ganks against stranded enemies but also as an escape mechanism for when enemies start converging on Reyna's location and there's no hope of running away.

It's going to be interesting to see how Reyna will behave in Battleborn, especially since her support-oriented abilities won't be to everyone’s liking, as they involve helping other teammates get kills instead of buffing your own abilities and getting kills for your team.