Feb 22, 2011 08:05 GMT  ·  By

The upcoming Batman: Arkham City title will be a single-player only release, as Rocksteady Studios, the company behind the game, focused all of its efforts on the story and the campaign of the upcoming title.

Batman: Arkham Asylum, the predecessor to Arkham City, gathered great reviews all over the industry, and impressed through its intriguing story and top-notch characters, lifted from the prestigious comic book series.

For the sequel, however, rumors began popping up recently that it might include some sort of multiplayer mode, either a cooperative or a competitive one, in order to keep players engaged in the game after its release.

That's not correct, with Rocksteady boss Sefton Hill saying that Arkham City is just a single-player only title.

"There have been a number of rumors circulating about a multiplayer mode in Batman: Arkham City so let me start by saying, once and for all, that Batman: Arkham City is a "single-player only" experience," Hill said.

The developer explained that the whole Rocksteady team investigated whether adding multiplayer would have increased the value of the game.

In the end, they found out that it would just have interfered with the creative process for the single-player mode and damaged its story, according to the Rocksteady boss.

Hill does admit that the lack of multiplayer may annoy certain fans and that it might not work in favor of overall sales, but a great product will still be delivered in the form of Batman: Arkham City.

"So it might not be the fashionable choice, it might not get us an extra tick on the box, but we are convinced, and we hope that gamers will agree when they get to play the finished game, that we have made the right decision."

Batman: Arkham City is set to appear ahead of the 2011 winter holiday season for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.