Learn how to reach the equilibrium between body and soul and both spiritual and physical health through the Divine floral essences invented by Dr. Edward Bach

Jul 7, 2006 09:50 GMT  ·  By

A new type of flower therapy related to homeopathy and color therapy was developed in the 1930's by the British physician Dr. Edward Bach. He claimed to have discovered this healing technique by "inspiration," as he was walking one day and realized that the dew drops on a flower are absorbing all of the healing energy in the plant. That was the moment when he thought that human being can also benefit from the powerful healing effects of flowers by simply holding a flower, looking at it, smelling it or tasting one of its petals.

Starting from that moment of epiphany and revelation, Bach went on to prepare "healing essences" extracted from flowers. But not all the plants, but only the wild flowers, of which he claimed to have discovered 38 species with beneficial energy upon the humans.

Bach explained that his theory is based on the fact that floral energy is tightly connected with the human soul and will provide spiritual harmony in individuals. Spiritual harmony in human beings will protect them from physical disorders, as physical illnesses are a result of contradiction between one's soul and his or hers personality. Flower energy will put these two in accordance, releasing the blocked negative energy in our souls and eliminating it.

Even if the strategies of this specific therapy do not have any physical or empirical basis, being only a metaphysical curing method, there are people all around the world that strongly sustain that it "really works" at both the physical and psychical level. As a result of balancing emotional pains, the physical symptoms will be cured: "These remedies bring us nearer to our souls and by that very act bring us peace and relieve our sufferings," wrote the flower specialist.

The wild flowers used in Bach's therapy should be picked when young and fresh, in the morning before the dew drops. If the dew gets on the plant, it will benefit from all the floral healing essences. Then the flowers should be put in a recipient with spring water and left there to float for around three hours. But the glass bowl in which the flowers are put must not be kept indoors, but outside, under the beneficial solar rays. Afterwards, the vivified water that has taken over the stamina and healing energy from the flowers can be preserved in brandy, vinegar or simply in a bottle.

By drinking from this water we will regain the primordial virtues of courage, love, mental peace, humility, strength and understanding that are mostly latent in our souls and give up too often to negative features under the influence of the new world. Further, this esoteric relationship between man and nature represented through flowers will cure us from depression, anxiety, irritability, intolerance, egocentric feelings, lack of confidence or hatred. When these negative feelings and states of mind are cured, the physical health is inherent.

Presently, Bach's Flower therapy is extensively used in India and many other countries for its beneficial effects upon body and mind disorders. Floral essences prepared by his method are widely spread and used in the fields of psychology, psychiatry and psychosomatic medical treatment as healing supplements.