The porcupette was born about a month ago, is already eating carrots and apples

Sep 4, 2013 20:41 GMT  ·  By

A month ago, on August 4, Zoo Vienna in Austria welcomed a baby North American porcupine.

The female porcupette weighed merely 1.3 pounds (0.6 kilograms) at the time of its first medical checkup, but has since grown to a considerable extent.

Keepers say that, although it is still being nursed by its mother, the baby porcupine seems ready and willing to give carrots, apples, beetroots and even branches a try.

I myself have never tried eating branches, and have absolutely no intention to gulp down one or two in the foreseeable future, so I'll take the porcupette's word for it that they are quite tasty. Zoo Borns tells us that the baby porcupette's mother will stop nursing it in about two weeks. Here's hoping it will have developed a very sweet tooth for fruit, veggies and sticks by then.