500.000 users expected until the end of the week

Mar 7, 2007 11:52 GMT  ·  By

YouTube and BBC is one of the most known partnerships made by the video service after the Viacom removal, reaching an impressive number of views. The agreement between the two companies created 3 new channels to display the content provided by BBC: 2 channels especially built for entertainment content, one ad based free service and a premium solution, and also a news product to offer quick access to the latest headlines from BBC.

Today, Broadband TV News reported the agreement is really a market hit because YouTube recorded more than 165.000 views since the launch of the channels. The BBC officials sustained the company expects at least 400.000 views by the end of the week as more and more users are attracted by the content they provide.

"Over 165,000 viewers have accessed the BBC's content on YouTube since its launch on Friday. Ashley Highfield, BBC Director of Future Media & Technology, told the IPTV World Forum in London that he expected between 400,000 and 500,000 views by the end of the week. He said that the new distribution technologies still needed the traditional skills of the broadcaster such as commissioning, editing and packaging," Broadband TV News reported.

The partnership between YouTube and BBC is the last one in a series of an impressive agreements campaign started after the Viacom removal. As you know, Viacom, the owner of MTV and Comedy Central, demanded the video service to remove almost 100.000 from the page because the company refused to pay for the content. As a reply to this important removal, YouTube tried to attract other companies that are able to cover the hole with new videos, NBA, Chelsea FC and BBC being the most known firms on the list.