The XO tablet brings age-appropriate educational apps to US kids

Oct 21, 2013 16:01 GMT  ·  By

Barnes & Noble is not only working on its new Nook eReader but is also doing something to improve things in the world. The eBook selling company has partnered up with One Laptop per Child (OLPC), a non-profit foundation working to provide kids in poor parts of the world with cheap laptops, GigaOm reports.

B&N will provide a special app that will be mounted up on XO tablets. It’s not the first time the company is doing this, as last year it was in charge of delivering a Nook Kids’ app on Fuhu’s nabi slates.

OLPC’s Android tablet is available in the US for $150 and can be purchased via retail locations such as Amazon, Target, Toys ‘R’ Us and Walmart. The non-profit organization uses the money to help children in developing countries with no access to gadgets.