Doctors also recommend washing your hands more often

Feb 5, 2009 10:25 GMT  ·  By

Since the cold and flu season is still here, and will continue to be for yet another while, it’s best we do everything we can to make sure we don’t come down with something as well. Other than dressing appropriately and making sure we get the recommended dose of daily vitamins, doctors also tell us we should not touch our face too often if we don’t want to risk catching something.

For instance, as FitSugar also points out, we should definitely restrain ourselves from touching our face when we’re in public places, like the bus, a cab, the gym, or at work. Of course, it’s impossible to stay germ-free all day long, health experts say, but the least we can do is make sure we don’t make physical contact with objects that others have also touched, and then rub our hands all over our face or, even worse, our mouth.

In order to do that, we must constantly check ourselves to not rest the head on our palm when staring at the computer screen, for example, absently rub a part of our face while engaged in some other activity at work or, for women, apply lipstick or gloss with the finger. Similarly, we’re not to put objects into our mouth (pencil or pen), especially if they’ve been on a desk that others have touched as well – this goes especially for those who do this compulsively.

What we should do, instead, is wash our hands as often as we can, and make sure they don’t come into contact with objects that others may have touched. For instance, the doctors also explain, if we really have to put our hand on the face for one reason or another (to scratch an itch, or to remove something from our eye), then a thorough wash with soap and warm water beforehand is a must.

Moreover, if we’re to add plenty of liquids and fruit to these useful tips, we’re almost certain to make it through the season without coming down with the nasty flu.