Developers aim for entertainment not historical realism

Nov 18, 2014 12:52 GMT  ·  By

Assassin’s Creed Unity might be having problems with performance and its core mechanics at the moment, but in the long term, the Ubisoft-made video game might be facing criticism from those who do not appreciate the way it has used classic personalities from the history of France.

Robespierre is shown in the video game as responsible for the period in 1793 and beyond when Paris was in the grip of Terror, as political rivals were executed and the population aimed to get away from the capital.

A speech the character makes in Unity also shows him rambling and unable to comprehend the effects of his own actions.

Now quotes leftist European member of Parliament and former presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon as stating that “This is propaganda against the people. The people are barbarians, as bloody savages. A man who was our liberator at one stage of the Revolution is portrayed as a monster.”

The politician adds that Assassin’s Creed Unity is part of a capitalist conspiracy that wants to rewrite history in order to discredit the very idea of the French Republic.

Alexis Corbiere, a leader of La Partie de la Gauche, adds that the portrayal of Robespierre is wrong and calls for a debate about the way history is portrayed in video games.

Ubisoft has issued a response through a producer, explaining that “Assassin’s Creed Unity is a game for the mass public. It is not a history lesson.”

Assassin’s Creed Unity had a troubled launch

Ubisoft has admitted that its most recent open world title based on the conflict between the Assassins and the Templars had a troubled launch and is at the moment issuing updates as quickly as possible in order to improve the player’s experience.

The most frequent complaint is linked to the limited framerate on the PC, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4, and it seems that time might be needed to completely deal with it.

Meanwhile, Ubisoft says that the animations will be updated, the movement will be smoother, and the Artificial Intelligence will learn a few new tricks.

Unity is an ambitious title that manages to deliver a very complex re-creation of Paris during the late XVIII century and keeps most of the core mechanics of the series largely unchanged.

Ubisoft will launch a string of downloadable content for the title in the coming months and a Season Pass offer is already available for fans.

Assassin’s Creed Unity Images (10 Images)

Robespierre is a reason for controversy
Assassin's Creed Unity missionsAssassin's Creed Unity Paris