Actress keeps constantly active, does not do diets

Mar 10, 2010 21:11 GMT  ·  By
Ashley Greene looks this good with Pilates, cardio and some help from a personal trainer
   Ashley Greene looks this good with Pilates, cardio and some help from a personal trainer

A while back, Ashley Greene made international headlines after revealing she got her “New Moon” vampire body partly by eating very seldom in very small portions because the hectic schedule would not allow her more. However, that’s not to say that was the rule, since the star does work hard to maintain her toned figure, How Celebrities Lose Weight informs.

Staying gorgeous is hard enough, but being a gorgeous actress who plays an immensely fit vampire is even harder, HCLW says. Thus, Ashley’s job is twice as difficult, especially since she hates dieting and would rather she worked out more and practiced portion control than abstain herself from her favorite foods. This way, the actress has come up with the perfect solution of burning the extra calories by keeping active at all times.

“She had to go through intense fitness and diet programs in order to do the stunts required in the movie. ‘[The cast] had a personal trainer and then we also had fight training,’ Greene recounts. To maintain her [fit] body, the gorgeous Ashley does Pilates six days a week. ‘I do it early in the morning,’ she says. ‘Sometimes [I do] cardio. I am not a big weight person because when I do weights I build muscle mass,’” the fitness oriented e-zine writes.

Even with all this, studio bosses still assigned for her a personal trainer to get ready for the part of Alice Cullen in “The Twilight Saga.” “Of course, pain comes with intense exercises, but the result will always be stunning. Before the movie, she only did Pilates exercise, but with the pressure that comes with the job, the producers have given her a fitness trainer who designed a fitness program that’s right for her. She said her fitness trainer designed a program according to what she likes to do. ‘If I want to go kayaking, he’ll take me kayaking and mountain biking and yoga and martial arts. So it’s this whole mixture of everything, it’s really fun,’ she said,” HCLW further writes.

As also noted above, Ashley is not a believer in diets for weight loss, but she does make it a point of eating healthily. The one craving that she can’t possibly resist is for Cheez-Its: which is why, when she buys some, she makes sure she portions the pack to control how much she eats.