This genetically engineered fish will not harm the environment, the organization says

Dec 22, 2012 07:13 GMT  ·  By

Only yesterday, the US Food and Drug Administration made it public news that, despite several complaints filed by concerned citizens, it is their belief that the so-called Frankenfish salmon (i.e. a genetically modified fish) stands very little chances of harming the country's natural ecosystems or of negatively impacting on public health.

This Frankenfish is “officially” referred to as the AquaAdvantage salmon, and was developed by a company named Aquabounty. What sets it apart from its run-of-the-mill and not genetically modified fellow salmons is the fact that it grows roughly twice as fast as the latter.

Naturally, this feature poses significant advantages, at least as far as sustainability and avoiding a climate change-driven food crisis go, sources explain.

However, there are some who claim that toying with wildlife by means of genetic engineering can only end badly, and that, should the AquaAdvantage salmon somehow escape out of its designated areas and start breeding in wild habitats, it could cause the natural salmon population to become extinct.

On the other hand, others claim that eating such Frankenfish might lead to people's becoming more sensitive to their surrounding and developing allergies ever more often.

However, the US Food and Drug administration maintains that, according to their investigations concerning both the AquaAdvantage salmon and Aquabounty, the company which created it, the Frankenfish can safely be eaten and is highly unlikely to harm the environment.

“In summary, the evidence collected and evaluated by FDA indicates that the development, production, grow-out and human consumption of AquAdvantage Salmon under the conditions proposed in the materials submitted by the sponsor in support of an NADA, and as described in this draft EA, would not result in significant effects on quality of the human environment in the United States,” reads their report on this matter.

The general public has 60 days at its disposal to comment on this report. After this, the US Food and Drug Administration will decide whether or not this Frankenfish will eventually be marketed in the US.