Zach Nelson says Apple will become the model for the next generation of tech companies

Jan 12, 2013 00:21 GMT  ·  By

Apple is very well positioned to become the de-facto enterprise software company from which all new emerging tech companies will draw their inspiration, according to NetSuite’s CEO, Zach Nelson.

Forbes reached out to NetSuite’s CEO, Zach Nelson asking the man to share his thoughts on the cloud and the trends surrounding it.

His elaborate answer touched on a few aspects, including Apple’s business model, of which he said, “I think it is a misconception that retail is dead. If you look at Apple, the main reason for the company’s success was its integrated retail model.”

“It was a big driver. Now traditional retailers need to find a way to take the Apple approach.”

“The problem is that they could not do it because much of the technology had been built before the cloud era. Apple, on the other hand, built its own system…,” says the NetSuite CEO.

Nelson strongly believes the Cupertino company co-founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak is the perfect example of systems integration working for the good of the company, and the consumers.

“I think Apple will become the model for the successful next-generation enterprise software company,” he tells the business publication.

“And it will not just be because of the user interface. That’s just one piece of it. The other is having an integrated model. Everything works together…,” he notes.

Indeed Apple’s success has been highly dependent on this integrated approach, both internally, and in the outside world.

One could say Apple’s vision of a unified experience across platforms – the numerous common traits of iOS and OS X – is the result of a similar corporate culture where collaboration is key to driving profits and sustainability.

One good example of how important these aspects are for Apple has been the recently-reported shakeup inside the company which ended with the firing of two key executives and restructuring the executive ranks.