Aug 26, 2010 10:25 GMT  ·  By

Apple has announced an update to the iTunes Connect Payments and Financial Reporting website, which acts as a gateway to information about payments for iOS developers.

Re-built from scratch, the new site features a new interface which includes a “dashboard”, and a  clean layout with four main tabs: Summary, Earnings, Owed, and Payments.

“We're excited to announce the new Payments and Financial Reports module in iTunes Connect,” Apple states on the News and Announcements section of the iPhone Dev Center.

“This new module provides you with details on all financial reports and payments,” the company explains.

“From a dashboard view, you can quickly obtain information including last payment, amount owed, latest monthly earnings, a rolling transaction history, unit sales, and payment trends,” developers are being told.

“In addition, we've also made significant updates to how your payments will be processed and how they are presented on iTunes Connect,” Apple reveals.

Those include:

- a reduction in the thresholds required to be paid, which increases the frequency devs will receive proceeds;

- a consolidated single monthly payment for a developer’s proceeds worldwide - this reduces bank fees and costs, Apple says;

- a clearer presentation of earned and owed amounts, as well as a reconciliation between the reported sales and the amounts paid.

Those interested in learning more are encouraged to access the Financial Reports module in iTunes Connect and read the iTunes Connect Payments & Financial Reports Guide.

Notably, the Summary tab provides developers with a full view of all payment information via graphs.

The Earnings tab is there to provide an in-depth look at payments per region. Devs also see how many copies of an app were sold each month per region.

The third tab - Owed - shows how much cash a developer is to receive per region

Finally, Payments lists which financial reports get paid to the developer.