“X” banner hung at Moscone West also points to Mac OS redesign

Jun 8, 2013 07:41 GMT  ·  By

As it finishes dressing up Moscone West for the ceremonious WWDC starting next week, Apple has confirmed iOS 7, and the next-generation Mac OS, with a couple of minimalistic banners.

Pictures taken by Andrew Stern and Nick (then forwarded to 9to5mac) show a thin, colorful number 7 logo placed on a huge white billboard on the hallway of Moscone West.

Not too far away from the iOS 7 banner, a more eye popping “X” banner can be seen, referencing the next-generation of Apple’s Mac operating system.

While the 7 logo is in line with all the rumors about Jony Ive’s new flat design, the OS X banner is a bit of a surprise. It seems Apple is going in the same direction with its desktop operating system.

Well, to be frank, it’s not that big of a surprise. After all Tim Cook did put Ive in charge of Human Interfaces across the company’s entire range of products, and that includes OS X as well.

A few closeup shots reveal that the iOS 7 banner actually has dots on it, not just a simple white background.

Could this be the replacement for the linen background in various areas of the OS (such as Notification Center)?

Back to the X banner, as the image above shows, Apple could be preparing a departure from its Cosmos-themed wallpapers too. And while they’re at it, they could phase out the cat names too.

After all, what do cats and the Universe have in common?

If that’s indeed the case, then we might as well expect Apple to introduce OS XI (the 11th version of the operating system) altogether.

We haven’t forgotten the OS X 10.9 references from server/developer logs these past few months, but it wouldn’t be unheard of for Apple to use decoys to prevent major leaks.

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iOS and OS X banners referencing next-gen releases
iOS 7 banner
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