Descriptions must not contain markup language and certain characters

Apr 23, 2013 13:41 GMT  ·  By

As of April 19, iOS and Mac OS developers are no longer allowed to use custom-formatted characters to denote features and changelogs in their apps’ descriptions.

According to a new report, Apple developers are now required to keep track of yet another guideline when submitting apps and / or updates to the App Store, in order to provide consistence across application descriptions venue-wide.

Application sellers are no longer allowed to use certain special characters, such as text bubbles, explosion representations, and other types of bullet points, including checkmarks. HTML tags are also out.

It is unclear whether all apps will have a standardized set of characters in their descriptions from now on, but it wouldn’t be unheard of at Apple.

The company has made similar adjustments in the past instructing developers to refrain from giving their apps strange names (such as those starting with a blank, to climb up the alphabetical ranks).