It's going to be a busy year for the infamous hackers

Jan 4, 2012 12:33 GMT  ·  By

Anonymous joined forces with Nigerian hacktivist collectives and revealed their plans to go after the local government in operation Occupy Nigeria.

“And so beginning tomorrow the great and noble people of Nigeria will take their place in the Transnational Global Cyber Insurgency and rise up in what many there are calling ‘Occupy Nigeria.’

“Their goal is no different than the rest of the Occupy Movement, to remove the regime of greed and restore economic justice to the people,” Anonymous members write.

The Peoples Liberation Front and the Naija Cyber Hacktivists of Nigeria are fully supported by Anonymous who announces that they’re offering their “ample resources.”

The main reason for this latest operation is the fact that the regime run by President Goodluck Jonathan is forcing citizens to live in poverty, even though the country is among the most petroleum-rich in the world.

It seems that the holidays made the infamous collective turn their attention to the more needy people, launching a large number of operations in the name of good.

Just before the holidays they targeted the Egyptian regime, taking down a large number of government websites, hitting them with denial of service attacks for several hours to keep them offline.

Then, on Christmas day, they breached the servers belonging to intelligence firm Stratfor, leaking tons of information, including credit card details that belong to their members.

Operation Free Palestine followed. Anonymous and TeaMp0isoN joined forces, promising to attack all the websites that in one way or the other “fuel” Israel and all those who oppose the freedom of the Palestinian people.

The Australian government also witnessed their share of threats, the infamous collective ordering them to adopt a bill of human rights.

Their latest announcement targets some major European countries accused of being run by corrupt governments, Greek, Swiss, Italian and German institutions being just a few of their objectives.