The FBI released an official statement after days of controversy

Sep 16, 2011 14:21 GMT  ·  By

An FBI representative recently stated that the document allegedly leaked by the hacker group Anonymous from the bureau, containing their psychological profiles, is a forgery.

After the subject was picked up by most news websites (including myself) and taken as the real deal, it turns out that the whole thing was probably a prank set up by the group to attract media coverage.

A few, however, realized right from the beginning that something is fishy with the dossier and made fun of it the entire time.

If in the previous post I've highlighted the facts that made the document look real, this time we'll take a look at (some might say “obvious”) things that indicate the whole thing is a fake.

With the help of Sophos and The Threat Post, we'll assemble a list of the things that prove it's a complete bogus.

First of all, the fact that the group's background check is taken from Wikipedia is a bit “stinky.” Why would someone with almost unlimited resources, like the FBI, base their research on something copy/pasted from the internet?

Then, as Carole Theriault highlights, the codename of the federal law enforcement agency's informant is Marotte, which actually means “a prop stick.”

Grammar and spelling mistakes should have also been a clear sign that the feds didn't have anything to do with the psychological profile.

So, the true purpose of the document remains unclear. Was it just an attempt to attract attention? Was it an attempt to distract attention (of authorities)? Or maybe it was just meant as a practical joke.

Some are confident that the release of the document might have positive effects, as it might offer some clues to the FBI on the real identity of other Anonymous members, given the fact that they knew right from the start it wasn't their file.

For now, many fellow writers are determined to think twice about the future statements released by the group.

And finally, it might just be me, but you know how in the movies, when criminals become cocky they tend to make mistakes that eventually get them caught? Let's just wait and see how much truth lies in those movies.