They fear that the company may be linked to law enforcement agencies

Mar 22, 2012 08:58 GMT  ·  By

The report called The Anatomy of an Anonymous attack, in which security firm Imperva detailed an attack launched by hacktivists against the Vatican last year, sparked some discontent among the hackers. As a result, Anonymous hackers revealed their intentions of targeting the company.

A Youtube video posted on the FawkesSecurity channel shows that some Anonymous members are planning to damage the organization in a way that hasn’t yet been revealed.

“Imperva perceives the large majority of the Anonymous collective as, in their words, a legion of idiots. Anonymous sees this as a direct verbal attack on the collective,” the hackers state.

“Many Anonymous members agree that the security firm’s interest may jeopardize future operations and that they could already, or in the future be linked to federal agencies and law enforcement. It’s in our own interest to defend anonymous information.”

Going after a security firm is no easy business, but as the hacktivists previously demonstrated with the incidents that affected Symantec, it can be done.

On the other hand it's worth noting that FawkesSecurity has posted a lot of video announcements that turned out to be untrue.

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