A news article about the death of 3 NATO soldiers sparked the hack

Mar 30, 2012 12:48 GMT  ·  By

The site of the Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan (iec.org.af) was breached by hackers operating under the AnonOps Romania banner. The site was targeted after the hackers saw an article in The Guardian, which revealed that three NATO soldiers were killed by Afghan security forces.

“REASON: Due to recent events, ‘Afghan security forces kill three Nato troops’ via TheGuardian. Murderers come in many shapes, colors and religions, Anonymous won't forgive and it won't forget any of them regardless of their ethnicity. You should have expected us,” the hackers wrote.

According to the dump information provided by OZ Data Center, they gained access to the election commission’s systems by leveraging an SQL Injection vulnerability that affected the site.

As a result of the breach, the hacktivists leaked the administrators’ names, usernames and password hashes.

The hackers also wrote a message to the site’s admins.

“Don't even bother to do anything, we already have all your server's data. mock us and we'll delete everything at your end,” they explained.

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