The woman locked herself and the dogs in a car, started the engine

Nov 12, 2013 23:41 GMT  ·  By

A 62-year-old animal rights activist by the name Sandra Lertzman committed suicide late last week, and also killed a total of 31 dogs.

Information shared with the public says that, according to evidence at hand, the woman locked herself and the dogs she was looking after in a car parked in her garage in Ohio.

She then started the engine, and waited for toxic emissions to build up in the air. Huffingon Post tells us that, luckily, one pooch managed to get out of the car and save its life by breathing in fresh air through a hole in the garage.

The 20 cats that were also living with Sandrea Lertzman were not in any way harmed.

The Animal Rights Foundation, where the woman worked as an executive director, believes that Sandra decided to end the life of the 31 dogs in her care together with her own for fear that, once she was gone, the pooches would not get the love and attention that they needed.

“She obviously feared that upon her death, these abused dogs would be placed in harm's way. Sandy spent countless hours every day taking care of each dog and their specialized problems with her love that she offered,” the Foundation reportedly wrote on its website.

An investigation into this incident is ongoing.