Jan 6, 2011 08:55 GMT  ·  By

Proving that Angelina Jolie remains the most sought after celebrity in terms of tabloid coverage, this week’s issue of Star magazine has a piece that claims she’s exhausted, drinking heavily and considering heroin again.

Rumors on Jolie’s weight and past drug use have often went hand in hand, so it’s no wonder they’re making headlines again.

Jezebel got a hold of a copy of Star and it sums it up by saying that Brad Pitt is reportedly desperate that Jolie went someplace, like a rehabilitation facility, to clear her mind, fight her demons and get some well-deserved rest.

First off, though, the cover of the tab: featuring a photo of a tired-looking Jolie doing promotion for her latest film, “The Tourist,” Star claims she’s been drinking a lot in recent months and has even collapsed a couple of times at home.

There’s also something about drugs.

“Heroin shocker. Wasted! Rehab for Angie,” Star says in a large bold caption, suggesting that the actress has relapsed back into drugs and may be going to rehab soon.

“The embarrassing scene in public. Her frightening secret collapse. Brad pleads to GET HELP NOW,” Star further writes, reinforcing the impression that Jolie may be using drugs once more.

However, the story inside the mag tells a different story from the one hinted at on the cover, Jezebel informs. It wouldn’t be the first time a tabloid pulls a stunt like this, come to think of it.

“At the Berlin premiere of The Tourist, Angelina ‘seemed so wasted and weary.’ An insider claims ‘people were whispering… it was like she was on drugs or something. There were moments where she could hardly walk and needed Brad’s arm for support’,” Jezebel writes, citing from Star.

Jolie may simply have been too tired, which is why she needed help. “Maybe she was tired from jetting around the world and raising six kids?” the e-zine asks.

“Angelina allegedly keeps getting disoriented and needs to sit down, and collapsed at home once. Brad wants her to take a break and go somewhere to relax. We think it sounds like he means a spa, but the mag says Angelina has been drinking lots of wine and taking Ambien to help her sleep, and Brad has to watch her to make sure she doesn’t take too many pills and overdose,” Jezebel further says.

Then, Star claims Jolie has nights when she drinks an entire bottle of wine by herself after the kids are put to sleep, and it tries to make it sound like it’s an “issue.”

It also says that the thought of doing heroin “lingers in the back of her mind,” even if she stopped using it many years ago, Jezebel informs.