Staff member in gorilla suit surprises Cooper and guest Padma Lakshmi

Mar 16, 2013 10:08 GMT  ·  By

Anderson Cooper isn’t exactly what you might call a coward, especially considering his experience with reporting from war zones, but even he gets scared every once in a while. Just check out the video above to see his (adorable) reaction.

Cooper was interviewing celebrity chef Padma Lakshmi when a staff member in a gorilla suit crept up behind him, giving him the scare of a lifetime.

This instantly translated into another one of those famous Cooper giggle fits. Adorable.

Padma might claim that she too was so scared she almost went number 1 in her pants but, if you look closely at the beginning of the video, you can see she sees the gorilla approaching.

At first, I thought she was in on the joke, which is why she turned away so suddenly. Turns out it could be just bad acting.

Check out the video and let me know what you make of it in the comments section below.