According to Panda Security

Sep 14, 2007 10:58 GMT  ·  By

Computers make work a lot easier, that's for sure. But what about when computers don't work the way they should? That's when things start getting slower. But what about when they have viruses? Well, that's when your business might be in danger. Some viruses compromise files and make them unreadable. Others will meddle with hardware parts, while other malware will allow malicious users to take advantage of the computer. And the list goes on. Viruses have countless possibilities of thwarting a business, that's why company computers have to be clean.

What worries me is the fact that things don't look the way they should, I mean, the Panda Security team (using their Malware Radar) found out that 59% of companies could have active malware on their networks, according to a company blog. The number is huge if you ask me. How can you expect to have a good computer-based business, if you have such security issues?

The Malware Radar is an online tool that can be used by companies of any size to scan their networks for threats. The numbers I mentioned above come after the company had scanned more than 4.500 firms, of all sizes. And as I've seen on their blog, close to half (47%) of companies auditing 10-19 computers have been disclosed with active malicious code; 37% of companies that scanned between 5 and 9 computers had malware running at the time of the scan. But those were smaller companies, but the large ones truly had problems - 59% of the companies that have scanned between 20 and 30.000 had been found with malware on them. This just tells me that no matter what, some people still aren't paying enough attention to cyber-security. If you want to find out more about these facts, you may visit this site.