Authorities have yet to discover what the woman was doing in the water

Sep 28, 2012 05:49 GMT  ·  By

This past Wednesday, a woman in Florida had her arm bit off by an alligator, and presently finds herself in a critical condition. Staff at the hospital are looking after her.

Authorities took care of the problem by hunting down and killing the animal. However, they can only assume that they correctly identified the alligator, seeing how the specimen they killed had no human body parts inside its stomach.

For the time being, one question remains: how is it exactly that the woman came so close to the alligator living in a canal behind her home?

More so given the fact that the neighbor who found Ms Carol Hough after her arm had been ripped off stated that the woman was in the water.

Rumor has it that Ms Carol Hough experienced several episodes of disorientation in the past, and could even be suffering from dementia.

Therefore, one could argue that she came close to the alligator without realizing what she was doing.

Hopefully, more information on this topic will soon be made available.