Red Letter Media puts into words and images the film’s biggest flaws

Jun 13, 2012 14:58 GMT  ·  By

As we also mentioned in our review of “Prometheus,” one of the reasons people felt disappointed by it was because it should have been better – and it wasn't so because of the many plot holes and illogical occurrences that went beyond suspension of disbelief.

The video above is a review of “Prometheus” by Red Letter Media, in which Mike and Jay try to answer some of the questions left unanswered by the film.

It's not so much a “review” as rather a very efficient and to the point manner of pointing out just what was wrong with the plot so, useless to say, *it contains major spoilers. Don't watch it if you haven't seen the film yet.

The initial video was of about half an hour but it was edited down to just 4 minutes, with the most burning and insulting (for the viewer) questions being highlighted.

Check it out and let us know if you agree with them – or have more questions to add of your own.

Without meaning any offense (Scott still gets credit for making a visually astounding film), we'd add one: why waste time counting holes on a sieve?