Alfred app is the premier productivity app on your Mac

Aug 4, 2014 20:54 GMT  ·  By
There's no other app that will help you be more productive while working on your Mac than an App Launcher. Combine that with the powerful workflows of the Alfred Powerpack and you can gain hours every week. 
Here's what they have to say: "Over the past year, we’ve rolled out our corporate licensing scheme to many companies who love Alfred. Providing staff members with the Powerpack through this license scheme allows you to create workflows for in-house use without having to worry whether each team member has already bought a license."
Basically, if you are a creative guy working in a company that does design, writing, or anything remotely related to typing on a computer (that should apply to almost anyone, right?) you can benefit from the use of Alfred. 
The app is free and can be downloaded from the developer's website. However, with the free version you only get access to some of the basic functions, like finding applications and files, quick-search the web (using Google, Wikipedia, or any other website), quick access to the calculator and dictionary, contacts, system commands, and large type. That should be enough to get you interested, because Alfred is free. 
Now, the new corporate licensing packages are related to Powerpack features. To name just a few: File Navigation, iTunes, Recent Documents, Email, 1Password integration, Syncing, Fallback Searches, Clipboard, and Snippets and the most important one: Creating and Importing Workflows. 
This last one can help you a lot in your work thanks to the large database of independent workflows that are free on the web. 
Imagine you could search the App Store within Alfred and then opening the link app right away, or you could check your Internet connection speed just by typing a few letters, check the PageRank of a website, or see if it is down or not. There are literally hundreds of thousands of Alfred workflows and themes to help you.
Alfred is developed by a team of two, Andrew and Vero, and they have decided to offer their app to business teams for extra discounts. You can get anything from 10 percent up to 50 percent, depending on the number of volume licenses purchased. The interested companies have to contact the developers and convince their big wigs to get into this. 
It is interesting to know that Apple will revamp Spotlight in OS X Yosemite to include some of the features of Alfred. That doesn't mean the Alfred Team will lose their jobs. The great collection of workflows will not be available for Spotlight, so the computer nerds will still need their tools to be productive. 
By the way, you can enjoy this app even if you are not part of a company. Check out their website to find out more.