Incompatible or Not?

Nov 20, 2006 11:15 GMT  ·  By

Many users are registered to use the Google AdSense service, being an important source for visitors and revenues. Most of them possess websites with images, news, discussions and many other themes. Except those webmasters, there are users that are creating sites based only on adult content, so they are asking themselves if Google AdSense will accept them.

How can you define Adult Content? It can represent mature or explicit elements that are forbidden to kids and other persons. In Google AdSense Program Policies it is clearly specified that "sites may not include: Excessive profanity, Violence, racial intolerance, or advocate against any individual, group, or organization, Hacking/cracking content, Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia, Pornography, adult, or mature content, Gambling or casino-related content," and many others.

Now, when you are in such a position, you're asking what Google understands when they say "adult or mature content"? Imagine that mature is a vague term and it can produce misunderstandings like the ones you're having.

Are you allowed to create a forum where people will discuss about adult content? Does this policy address the entire site or you can keep the ads off the forum? It is quite easy to judge what adult content is when you're talking about images or videos, but discussions and text can be differently misconstrued by every person.

Until Google releases a clear and an accurate policy, there will be many cases with disappointed customers and users that are complaining about the service.