Zoo staff are not sure if it's a boy or a girl, haven't named it yet

Aug 8, 2013 20:21 GMT  ·  By

Germany's Zoo Berlin is now home to an adorable porcupette. The tiny animal was born at this facility about two weeks ago, on July 24.

Zookeepers say that the baby porcupine's mother is very protective of its offspring, and that it almost immediately puffs up its spines whenever it feels like the porcupette might be in danger.

For the time being, veterinarians and zoo employees in charge of looking after the baby porcupine are not sure whether it is a boy or a girl. Hence the fact that they haven't named it.

Although the baby porcupine was born sporting numerous large spines on its body, keepers say that its mother did not run any risk of being injured, Zoo Borns writes.

This is because, during birth, a porcupette's spines are very soft and, therefore, harmless.