Get rid of the buyer's remorse syndrome using the Spectrum postoperatively adjustable breast implants

Apr 19, 2007 08:39 GMT  ·  By

Here's a truism you probably heard before: "We live in a mass consumers society!". And bad things could happen when we buy "buckets" of stuff that don't offer a real consumer protection. Here's an example. According to shrinks, buying higher value items such as cars or jewelry could lead to the buyer's remorse syndrome (an emotional condition whereby a person feels remorse after buying anexpensive item).

And, of course, the same syndrome appears often at most women who undergo breast-augmentation surgery and end up with unwanted results (almost 300, 000 of breast implants are performed every year). The problem is that women regret not having chosen larger implants when they had the chance. And since a pair of breasts doesn't come with the money back guarantee, it's no wonder someone came with this interesting concept of implants.

They're called Spectrum Postoperatively Adjustable Breast Implants. Once the implants are "stuffed" inside (subcutaneously that is), the surgeon leaves an exposed port than can later be used for inflation. In a simple doctor postoperatively visit, the breast implant size can be changed in order to help patients get rid of that annoying buyer's remorse state of mind. At this point, the fill tube is removed and a self-sealing valve immediately closes and seals the breast implant. The implant can be adjusted for a period of 2 weeks though. And that's all!

So, finally, if a woman regrets getting the C cups, she could switch to bigger sizes and letters without the trouble of going through an ugly operation again. It still includes a visit to the doctor though. The bad news is that these implants are not available for "softer" implant lovers. Sorry guys, no silicone involved here. It's only works with saline implants.

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